Access this window from the Well / Project Manager Window by selecting File > Create EDI File.
This window generates EDI files for submission to the RRC. Follow these steps to create an EDI file.
Data Validation Errors:
If there errors found during the validation process a list of wells will be displayed with the details of the errors. If you proceed and create the EDI file without correcting the errors only the wells that passed the validation will be in the file. We recommend that you correct the errors before proceeding.
Correcting Data Validation Errors:
Double-clicking on a well in the list will display it in the Well / Project Manager Window. The Electronic Data Interchange Window will remain visible while you correct the problem. Once you make the correction be sure to SAVE. Then you can double-click on the next well in the list and make more corrections. When you are finished making corrections select the Validation button again to see if all the wells have been corrected.